Quick Tip: Photon and SSL

JetPack includes a module that offloads the images used on your site to WordPress.com media servers. In most cases, this can take a lot of pressure off of your server, and can also help things load much more quickly than they normally would. The Photon modules becomes especially useful when used in conjunction with the Tiled […]

Far-reaching Security Vulnerability Revealed

According to an article on the Sucuri blog today, there is an extremely widespread security vulnerability in many WordPress plugins. The vulnerability seems to be the result of a breakdown in communication, where developers expected a set of core WordPress functions to do one thing, when it actually does another. Essentially, most plugin developers (including those […]

Controlling JetPack in Large Multisite Installations

JetPack is constantly being updated, and it tends to introduce some really cool new features fairly often. However, occasionally, those new features can cause major issues in large multisite environments. There are a handful of plugins out there that let you gain some control over JetPack’s features. Most of them, though, such as Manual Control […]

Quick Tip: Avoiding Conflicting Favicons With Genesis & JetPack

Update The code examples provided in this post were partially inaccurate. Please refer to the comments below to see a more accurate example of how to accomplish this. A few versions back, JetPack added a nice new module that allows site owners to easily set up their own “Site Icon” (generally known as a favicon). However, […]

Some Cool JetPack Tools To Play With

One of the greatest plugins you can find for WordPress is JetPack. Basically, the ultimate goal of JetPack is to eventually implement all of the cool features that WordPress.com has that you don’t normally get in a WP.org site. There are a few things to know about JetPack before diving in, though. JetPack and Multisite […]