MSU Today

We use Wordpress for our news site, MSU Today to keep media and our Racer community updated with the latest in MSU news.

Arkansas Tech News

The Arkansas Tech News Website is used to communicate and share news, interests and accomplishments of the Arkansas Tech University community. Content on the site is written by members of the University Relations staff.

Public website for Erikson Institute, a graduate school and research center for child development in Chicago.


The site focuses on college news stories and the role that the college plays in the community.

Allegheny College

Allegheny College in Meadville PA is the national liberal arts college where 2,100 students with unusual combinations of interests, skills and talents excel.

Missouri S&T Magazine

The Miner Alumni Association publishes Missouri S&T Magazine to communicate and reflect the past, current and future interests of the alumni of the Missouri School of Mines, the University of Missouri-Rolla and Missouri University of Science and Technology. Missouri S&T Magazine is written, edited and designed by the staff of the Missouri S&T Communications Department and the Miner Alumni Association.

University of Rhode Island

URI home page and departmental sites.

John Carroll University

John Carroll is a private, coeducational, Jesuit Catholic university providing programs of study in the liberal arts, sciences, and business at the undergraduate level and in selected areas at the master’s level.

University of Mary Washington Website

At the University of Mary Washington, we are using a unique implementation of WordPress that allows us to run 50 separate “multisite” instances on a single WordPress installation. Across those 50 networks, we have close to 300 separate WordPress sites. All of the sites and networks share a common code base, a common user base, and common plugins and themes. As of May 2013, there are close to 26,000 published pieces of content on the site, with more than 14,000 of those being pages spread across the site.