HighEdWeb 2013 Wrap-Up

Ok, so I know I probably should have posted this about 2 weeks ago, but things have been pretty hectic around here. HighEdWeb 2013 happened earlier this month in Buffalo, NY, and, as always, it was an amazing experience. We got to be involved in an AMA (ask me anything) with Steve Wozniak, and we […]

WordPress 3.7 is Here! Are You Ready?

This evening, WordPress 3.7 was officially released. The biggest change in this latest version of WordPress is the auto-update functionality. Once you upgrade to WordPress 3.7, you won’t have to worry about manually updating the site again until the next major version is released; you read that right, WordPress will automatically update itself any time […]

August Stats: The UMW Website

A little over a month ago, we added Google Analytics Event tracking to many spots on the UMW website, including just about every link on the home page. After more than a month of traffic, it’s time to start sharing our findings. Baseline Information The stats included in this article are pulled from the Analytics […]

WPHighEd August Meetup

As I mentioned last week, we’re planning to host our first official virtual meetup using Google Hangouts. I think I finally figured out how to pre-schedule a Google Hangout On-Air, which means that you should be able to easily join the hangout and that it will be recorded and stored on YouTube for future reference. […]

Let’s Hang Out

As I mentioned in the initial welcome post, one of the any things I’d like to do with this site is to use it to help facilitate virtual meetups about WordPress in higher ed. While we’re not necessarily ready to put a regular schedule in concrete, we are happy to announce that we will be […]

Genesis 2.0 – User Beware

Those of you that are using Genesis as your parent theme or framework may have noticed that there’s a new version available. Genesis 2.0 is a major overhaul to the old theme, including a fairly new structure, new hooks and actions, and completely new styles. However, if you’re using a custom theme built on top […]

WordPress Usage In Higher Education

Over the past few days, a conversation has been bouncing back and forth on the wp-edu listserv discussing a Google Spreadsheet that was started by Jay Collier of The Compass. The spreadsheet is an attempt to catalog all of the higher ed institutions in the world that are using WordPress, and get a little bit […]

New Multisite Plugin Beta: Plugin Activation Status

Tonight, I sat down and modified an old script I’d written, turning it into a real WordPress plugin. The plugin is tentatively known as “Plugin Activation Status”, and it’s developed specifically for multisite and multi-network installations of WordPress. What It Does This plugin first retrieves a full list of all of the plugins that are […]

Welcome to WPHighEd

I am very happy to announce the all-new website WPHighEd. I’m hoping that the site will gradually grow into a community of people using WordPress at higher education institutions. Right now, there’s not much to look at, but hopefully that will change in the near future. Until then, here are a few notes: