Let’s Hang Out

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As I mentioned in the initial welcome post, one of the any things I’d like to do with this site is to use it to help facilitate virtual meetups about WordPress in higher ed. While we’re not necessarily ready to put a regular schedule in concrete, we are happy to announce that we will be holding our first virtual meetup next week.

If you’re interested in joining us, we’ll be setting up a Google Hangout on Friday, Aug. 23 at 2 p.m. EDT. As of right now, the plan is for me to co-host the Hangout with Chris Wiegman, author of the Better WP Security plugin, among others, and former higher ed Web professional.

We don’t have any agenda yet, but we’d love to know what you’d like to talk about. With Chris co-hosting, I’m sure we’ll spend at least a little bit of time talking about security in WordPress, but we’re more than happy to talk about just about anything else related to WP in higher ed that interests you.

As the time draws nearer, I’ll update this site with specifics about joining the Hangout. In the meantime, let us know what you want to discuss.

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  1. Great site – is there a membership process/list? How can we be notified of meetups?

    • Tom – There isn’t any specific way to become a “member” of the site; you can subscribe to our new posts if you’re interested. Also, if you have a Google+ account, I can add you to the WPHighEd Google+ group (or, if things are configured the way I think they are, you should be able to join on your own), which should, hopefully, notify you of any future hangouts (we’ll be organizing all future hangouts through that group – and I’ll be inviting the group to all future hangouts). Thanks.


  1. […] WP in Higher Ed Hangout: My former higher education colleagues Curtiss Grymala and Chris Wiegman launch their monthly chat about WordPress in higher education this week. Join the discussion on Fridays at 2PM EDT. […]

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