
September WPHighEd Meetup

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It’s time to begin thinking about our next virtual meetup. At this time, we are planning for Friday, Sept. 20, 2013 at 2 p.m. EDT. Once again, the meetup will be facilitated through Google+ Hangouts “On Air”, which means that anyone should be able to participate in the meetup and invite others to the meetup; it also means that a recording of the meetup will be made available to the public after the event is over.

I will be leaving to attend WordCamp Baltimore shortly after this meetup ends. If anyone else is planning on attending WCBaltimore, make sure you say “hi” to me while we’re there.

You should be able to view and RSVP to the event over on Google+. If you encounter any issues responding to the event invitation, please let us know in the comments.

Also, if there is anything specific you’d like to discuss during the meetup, let us know.

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